About Me

Canjie Shi


917-325-8929 | canjie.shi@columbia.edu


Columbia University New York, NY

M.S. in Electrical Engineering expected in December 2019 Sep 2018 - Dec 2019

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, CN

B.S. in Information Engineering Sep 2014 - Aug 2018


Programming Languages Java, Python, Javascript, C#, C++, Go, SQL, Objective-C, HTML, CSS
Frameworks NodeJS, Express, AWS, React, Flask, MongoDB, .NET, OpenNMT


Fusion Tree Data Technology

Back-end Developer Intern Apr 2018 - Jul 2018

  • Designed RESTful APIs for the company’s data platform by Flask and PyMongo. User can use APIs to upload
    data dynamically or make CRUD operations and download data.
  • Developed an API driver to encapsulate methods and wrote a demo to help users call APIs more efficiently.
    Tested APIs by Postman and wrote document.
  • Deployed APIs on the company’s server by pm2. Used nginx as a reverse proxy to respond to connection requests
    from the Internet.

SAIFEI Manufacturing Co. Ltd

Software Engineer Intern Jun 2017 - Sep 2017

  • Rewrote the old version WinForm application into a WPF software to compare two harness data reports by Prism
    and C#, which generated a report that described details of harness’s changes.
  • Developed a full-stack WPF software for comparing multiple XML files. Admin can change user’s role and set
    configurations for the comparison. Realized communications between multiple models by the features of
    MVVM and Prism-MEF such as Export and Import methods.


Sharded Key-Value Server Based on PAXOS (Go) Sep 2018 - Nov 2018

  • Implemented Paxos library in Golang and built a fault-tolerant key/value storage system that shards or partitions
    the keys over a set of replica groups.
  • Successfully handled reconfiguration in the replica groups to ensure that within a single replica group, all group
    members must agree on when a reconfiguration occurs relative to client Put and Get requests.

Second-hand Furniture Trading Web App (NodeJS, AWS) Sep 2018 - Nov 2018

  • Built a multi-tenant cloud-based application by NodeJS. Combined multiple Micro-services of AWS together to
    realize the authentication and deployment. Deployed the app on Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Generated JWT token and used SES to trigger the Lambda function to send email verification for user
    authentication. Checked user authorization in API Gateway and triggered the function to activate user.
  • Enabled our app to obtain Facebook account access by Outh2. Stored user profiles in DynamoDB.

Deep Learning For Chinese Input Method On iOS (Objective-C, Python) Feb 2018 - Jul 2018

  • Collected and preprocessed Chinese and Pinyin corpus, used OpenNMT-py to train the model and generated
    Chinese predictions of users’ Pinyin input. By using seq2seq model, input accuracy increased by 8%.
  • Realized self-adapation of buttons by using Q-learning algorithm, changed the size and the sensitivity of buttons
    according to users’ customs. Average automatic input speed increased from 80 to 120 words per second.
  • Built a Pinyin auto-input simulator on iOS by Objective-C to perform the experiments.