Distributed System Course Note
- Challenges :
- Workloads are large
- Failures
- Semantics
- DS Goals :
- Scalability
- Fault tolerance
- Availability
- Durability
- Meaningful semantics
- Latency
- Approches :
- Scalable, abstraction & infrastructure / Partitioning / Sharding
- Replication
- Coordination protocols
- Commitement protocols
- Consensus protocols
- Basic architecture
- https://columbia.github.io/ds1-class/lectures/01-example-web-service-architecture.pdf
- Durability: if failure includes disk failure -> Bad, else -> Good
- Semantic: Good -> non-DS version
- Latency 等待时间: First steady, after offered load close to capacity, latency increased. Latency = Latency(DB) + Latency(FE)
- Fix Latency
- Cache
- From capacity aspect, Read is better because DB doesn’t involve (If WS fits in cache) .
- Write
- Write-Through cache (sync) Still bad because must reaches DB
- Write-Back cache (async) Good
- Scalability
- Throughput is better, but for writes not improve too much
- Consistency -> Good
- Fault tolerance
- Availability: Bad
- Durability: Write-Through (Same as 1), Write-Back -> worse
Map -> Input -> (Key, Value)
Reduce -> Apply f(V) to K
Reduce starts after all Mapping processes completed
Part 1
* strings.FieldsFunc (value, func)
* strconv.Atoi(string)
* `tmp, err := strconv.Atoi(string)`
* List
* list.New()
* list.PushBack(v)
Part 2&3
* Channel
* Goroutine
Semantics Mechanism Properties
Serialiizability 2pl
Repeatable read
Read Committed 2PL for read write and hold until end of TX
Read Uncommitted
Consistency (replication)
Linearizability (external consistency) : For any execution of the storage system, there exists an equivalent serial order of R/W operations, where any operations O1 that starts after another operation O2, O2 precedes O1 in that serial order.
Sequential consistency: For any execution of storage system, there exists an equivalent serial order of all R/W ops that matches program order.
Causal consistency : Any execution is equivalent to an execution that enforce the order of causally dependent ops.
Eventual consistency