
Big day for E6156 Microservices and Cloud Application

Spent a whole semester figuring out what professor wants us to do, and took three days to complete it ;)

Finally, today we became the first group who presented the demo and finished the project.

Some details

It’s a project based on Node.JS and AWS Micro-services. We walked through the whole process of User Registeration, Email Verification, Token Generation, User Login, Third-party Login (Google API), User Profile… We learned DynamoDB, Lambda Function, API Gateway, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, RDS…

AWS is really powerful for web development! Definitely gonna dive deeper into it. Really thankful to our team, they are the best teammates.

I will post the whole project with more details in the future, right now you can check out Elastic Beanstalk part of code on my Github.


Just knew about the release of Flusk 1.0. Spent a few minutes taking a look, have to say it’s just amazing! After the semester ends, hopefully I can spend more time on it and try to do some cool stuff.
